Cellular Agriculture Blog Post on FCRN

Martin Rowe has published a post on The Food Climate Research Network (FCRN) blog called “Moving Beyond the Impossible: Challenges of cellular agriculture.” In this blog, Rowe draws on research encapsulated in his paper, Beyond the Impossible: The Futures of Plant-based and Cellular Meat and Dairy. He notes some of the challenges accompanying these developments in the food, environmental, and technological spaces.

Rowe writes, “In Beyond the Impossible and other writings for the Vegan America Project, I suggest that we need a more imaginative vision of agriculture, one that: replenishes the soil through the polycropping of a much wider variety of plants and grains; offers bioregional fermentation of cultivated proteins; and frees up land for rewilding, reforestation, renewable energy generation, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity. This agriculture could offer communities sustainable livelihoods through direct subsidies, tax abatements, and carbon credits while simultaneously integrating nature’s services into economic value chains.”